Venus enters Gemini

[10 MARCH 2023]

Venus entering Gemini indicates a switch up of where we’re focusing our harmonizing energy. In Taurus, Venus’ priority tends to be creating grounded and comfortable foundations to support ourselves with; Now in the airy and masculine sign of Gemini, we can expect an increase in mental and social exchanges of the sensual nature…

Venus exudes her graceful femininity by means of embracing playfulness, romanticizing the senses, and encouraging self-love. These motivations, for the next few weeks, will have the urge to express themselves through connection to others and to our environments. We may feel a heightened sense of playfulness and increased urges to explore our curiosities. This is a prime time for meaningful brunches with friends, painting at the coffee shop (while embracing the buzz and people-watching), and leaning into practices that blend our slow sensuality with intriguing connections.

A potential complication or uncomfortable challenge for Venus in Gemini is to remain grounded and clear, as this placement has the tendency towards indecisiveness and fickleness in emotional matters. As we’re exploring new experiences, it’s important to maintain a certain sense of clarity and self-awareness to uphold the sanctity of things involved.


Sun conjunct Jupiter


Full Moon in Libra